We know that the demonstration that engaging students in the learning process increase their attention and focus has been tried many times. The attendance management software has been of use as well. It encourages them to practice higher-level critical thinking skills and promotes meaningful learning experiences. We see that instructors who adopt a student-centered approach to instruction increase opportunities for student engagement, which then helps everyone more successfully achieve the course’s learning objectives as well. We see that active learning requires students to participate in class, as opposed to sitting as well as listening quietly. We see that strategies include, but are not limited to, brief question-as well as-answer sessions, discussion integrated into the lecture, as well as impromptu writing assignments, hands-on activities, along with experiential learning events. As they think of integrating active learning strategies into their course, consider ways to set clear expectations, design effective evaluation strategies, as well as provide helpful feedback. We know that a pedagogy-first approach to teaching in which in-class time is re-purposed for inquiry, application, as well as assessment to better meet the needs of the individual learners as well. We see that while good discussions can be a powerful tool for encouraging student learning, successful discussions rarely happen spontaneously as well. We know that preparing ahead of time will help them delineate a clear focus for the discussion as well as set well-defined parameters. We see that this will enable the class to address important topics from multiple perspectives, thus increasing students’ curiosity for, as well as engagement with, course content as well. We see that passionate disagreement can become disrespectful as well. That’s when discussion sheds more heat than light, impairing the ability to make arguments based on fact or to listen to past preconceptions as well. We see that an instructor might work with student writing in several ways such as short-answer exams, essays, journals, blog posts, research assignments, and so on. They may also take their students through the writing process by assigning drafts, encouraging peer response through structured or informal exercises, as well as using writing to facilitate active learning. In the first few weeks of class, teachers post times when students and they can get together outside of their office hours. We see that these meetings are in groups of six to eight students as well as are purely voluntary. We know that they can meet for 45 minutes, as well as the rule of these meetings is we don’t discuss the class as well. We know that when we were able to get together in person, we would meet for coffee or lunches; however, we see that adapting this for online modes since the pandemic started has been easy. We see that it’s a great way to get to know students’ interests as well as career or grad school plans—topics about them. And we see that while we don’t talk about our particular course, they do like to ask general questions about what they feel makes a great class and about their favorite teaching techniques as well as learning methods. We see that students are concerned about what kind of impression they’ll have on their teachers, as well as often this uncertainty makes them hesitant to speak up in class. This self-censoring is an obstacle to collective learning as well as the exchange of ideas. We know that to combat this, create a climate of psychological safety within their classroom where students know that it’s okay to speak up. And we see that they make participation a requirement from the start as well. We see that students are graded on their thoughtful contributions to class, but not by them too. We know that peer grading certainly motivates students to participate as well. But it also provides them with an incredibly rich record of how students contributed to their peers’ learning throughout the course as well. We see that many teachers spend entire class sessions hiding behind their podiums, clinging to them for life as well. School ERP can be a good way to do it effectively at the same time.
What are the ways to keep teachers and students engaged and involved in the learning setup?
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