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Pruning Evergreen Trees

by basicact

Most green trees are called snails or snails. Their needles or leaves range in length from one inch to several inches. Although most green plants shed their needles, they do not soften at once.

In general, for teaching purposes, such as Mit 45 kratom or other ornamental trees, coniferous trees do not require much cutting. Forever green, usually extending from the trunk to the top of the tree, the other branches growing from the lead. If there is a young tree with two steel branches, cut the other steel as young as possible so that the tree grows properly. Large secondary steel cuts of mature trees cause aesthetic damage.

There are two main species of valerian and a random branch. The branches of the rebellious branches on the tree sound in groups. These include pine, spruce, and spruce. The remaining species are randomly distributed trees, oak, pine, and juniper, which grow to be the most traditional full-fledged Christmas tree.

Do I always have to cut the greens?

Perennials usually need to be pruned only when the tree branches are dead or dry, or when the tree is sick or damaged. Dead or dead branches should be cut off as soon as they indicate a problem. Cut them into healthy pieces of wood. For diseased or damaged trees, the pruned area should be pruned before returning to the trunk. Disinfect your tools between each cut to prevent infection. Do not use bleaching household products. Try rubbing “Lysol” or alcohol. How to collect evergreen greens?

When planting evergreen, be sure to cut only the needle parts of the branch. If you remove all the needles from the branch, the branch will die inactive.

When removing the base from the tree, do not cut the trunk, as this can cause a number of problems for the entire tree. At the intersection of the trunk with the limbs, there is a large button called a collar to cut the branch. When cutting a living branch or removing a dead one, do not cut the side. Staying on the side of the trunk prevents falls and promotes a healthy tree.

Cutting Tip: When cutting large or heavy branches, use a three-dimensional method. 1) Cut 12 inches from the branch, cut from the bottom up, cut the branch in half. 2) After the first tree, cut the branch completely and cut it towards the edge of the branch. 3) Make a final cut on the collar.

Washing in this way helps prevent the weight of the tree from cracking and damaging the trunks.

Do I need a ready-made trimmer?

no! Use some oil only when some painful insects are under control. .

Note: If you want a thick full tree, especially on pine and other such trees, pinch your new plant in half so that it does not damage the needles around it. When is the best time to harvest? Snow on evergreen branches

When is the best time to harvest?

It’s easy to say when to cut. Do not steal in late summer or early autumn. This will help the growth, and the young branches will not be strong enough to withstand the winter.

Many of the evergreen plants are beautiful or aesthetic. If you try to control the overall height of the tree, cut it in the summer, try to move the tree forward in the spring, wash it out due to damage or disease, regardless of the year of harvest, regardless of time. Winter washing is ideal when the tree is not asleep and wants to promote the beautiful growth of spring.

keep in mind:

If the tree has no physical problems due to damage, death, rot, or disease, it is not always necessary to cut the greens.

Always cut green plants to keep them healthy and beautiful.

Forever diminished by the green tree. You can always get a little later. If you overdo it now, it can damage the tree or the whole tree.

Contact your local kindergarten, college, or forest service for the best local tips and information.

Use scissors or a knife to make sure the cutting knife is clean and sharp.

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