Excitement to get a hot night under the sheets makes you forget about the STDs. You are smitten with your partner without taking protection sometimes. Now, that results in various life-threatening STDs. The most common STDs in the UK are gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes. You can test and protect yourself by changing the wrong lifestyle and adopting the healthy lifestyle. Protection in sex and right style can prevent you from sexual diseases. You can enjoy your life, but safety is needed. Nowadays, STDs can be treated. Know about some STDs.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
HPV is the common sexual transmitted infection that spreads with skin-to-skin contact. You can get this infection through oral, anal, and vaginal sex. There are about 40 types of HPV infection that spreads in both men and women.
The most threatening part of this STD is less symptoms. You won’t understand that you are adversely affected with this disease. HPV causes genital warts and sometimes infect your throat and mouth. Some STDs can cause cancer in the mouth, penis, cervix, and throat.
There are three vaccines for the STDs such as Gardasil, Cevaris, and Gardasil-9, which protects you from cancer. The young men and women from the age of 11-26 need to get vaccinated for HPV. The vaccine for HPV is approved for men and women up to 45 years old.
Syphilis has four stages, and it is a tricky disease. The primary stage of this disease shows soreness. The second stage starts with a rash on the body with the sores in the mouth. In the third stage, the anus and vagina are affected. In the fourth stage the nerve damage is the cause of the problem.
Sometimes this STD is the great imitator, as the sore may look like a cut, harmless bump, and ingrown hair. The fourth stage of this disease may last a lifetime. If your nerves are damaged, then it may create problems for your brain. The doctors give antibiotics to treat the problem up to the third stage.
Chlamydia is the most reported STD globally. It is spread mostly by the anal and the vaginal sex. Oral sex also results in Chlamydia. Sometimes you may notice an unnatural discharge from penis and vagina with the burning sensation. About 25% to 50% of men find these symptoms.
This STD is caused due to bacteria, so you can treat it with antibiotics. After doing the treatment, you may think about retesting in three months. Untreated infection may be life-threatening.
Gonorrhea is a common STD that is caused due to bacteria. The symptoms of Gonorrhea are quite similar to chlamydia. The unusual discharge from penis and vagina, burning feel, pain during urination, and itching are the common symptoms of this STD. About 20% of women and the rest of men are affected with this infection. You may treat the most common STDs in the UK by consuming antibiotics.
The strains of the herpes virus such as HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause genital herpes. HSV-2 is the main culprit for your health. The painful blisters on vagina, penis, and anus are the signs and symptoms of this STD. Herpes are always easy to catch due to the skin-to-skin contact. If you don’t cover the genital area with a condom, then it might affect you negatively. The contagious blisters may pass virus all over your body. By using proper medications, you can get rid of this problem easily.
Trichomoniasis harms women more than men. This is caused due to the tiny parasites that contact the penis or vagina. Women may spread it while touching the genital areas after touching. About 30% of people with Trichomoniasis have these symptoms related to itching, soreness, burning, and pain. You may also observe white, clear, smelly, greenish, and yellowish discharge. You may treat Trichomoniasis with antibiotics by eating those three months continuously.
The virus of HIV causes AIDS when it passes your body through the fluid such as semen, blood, breast milk, and vaginal fluid. Anal or vaginal intercourse without a condom can be dangerous if the person is infected with HIV/AIDS. This contagious disease can infect by kissing or saliva. Moreover, if you share needles, then you can infect another person.
The symptoms of HIV infection are vague because they may feel like the flu with fatigue, muscle aches, and slight fever. You may also lose weight and have diarrhea due to this infection. If you do a blood or saliva test, then you may detect the infection. This disease can destroy your immune system, and you cannot fight with other diseases if you are affected with this infection. The powerful drugs can always help people to live longer after having HIV.
Prevention of STD
There are various STDs and treatments, but you need to understand the symptoms and follow prevention methods to avoid these STDs. Have a look at some prevention tips:
The vaccines are effective, safe, and they are recommended to prevent diseases such as HPV and Hepatitis B. You may start this vaccine from the age of 11.
The best way to avoid STDs is not to have sex with the person who is already affected with STD.
Reduce Sex Partners
You may be sexually active, but try to reduce sex partners because you don’t know which partner has which disease.
Use Protection
Usage of the male latex condom is always effective because non-latex condoms are the reason for allergy. Protection during sex is always helpful because it can prevent various sexual diseases.
Bottom Line
If you are finding the STD symptoms and the prevention is also not working, then book your appointment at a private sexual clinic in London. You can detect the STD by visiting a clinic and getting the tests done on time. Our doctors are ready to help you with various antibiotics and other treatments.